The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107679   Message #2234849
Posted By: katlaughing
12-Jan-08 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: Guitars in prison (UK)
Subject: RE: Guitars in prison (UK)
Can't we have one thread, in the music section no less, which does not devolve into guttersniping, etc.? Jaysus, Richard and Bubblyrat!

Richard, no one cares if it is Billy Bragg or someone else. It is the IDEA which is worth sharing (but you knew that didn't you) AND will only enhance whatever efforts anyone else has made in the same realm. No one has put down anyone else for doing the same thing. In fact, most people see it as a positive instead of a chance, as you have done, to put down a fellow Mudcatter. needn't be a case of either/or. Why NOT rehab them while we have them as captive students, so to speak? Why not help them become good citizens in the event they may be released. No one is saying they've taken away anything from the victims in order to do this. Do you teach victims music? Do you know of someone who does? Post a story about it, if you do.

Remember, personal attacks will be deleted.
