The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107409   Message #2234876
Posted By: Santa
12-Jan-08 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The lad with his trousers on
Subject: RE: Origins: The lad with his trousers on
The Minstrelsy arrived today, thanks to Lanerch press and Malcolm. The songs do indeed only exist in fragments, although in two cases there are slightly more to them then appear on the CD.

I did notice, however, that Lousy Cutters and Here's the Tender Coming were also only printed as fragments, rather than the full versions sung today. There seems to be only a small amount in Mudcat threads on either,with perhaps rather more on Cutters suggesting that only the fragment is original. But this is under the heading of a Sunderland song - surely as Newcastle lasses they wouldn't be singing a Sunderland song?