The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107723   Message #2235715
Posted By: Goose Gander
13-Jan-08 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Shanghai
Subject: Origins: Shanghai

Well, the hen and the rooster went away out West
Said the hen to the rooster, 'Hon, I love you best.'
Said the rooster to the hen, 'Hon, I think you lie,
Caught you in the alley with the red shanghai.'

Lord, ain't that so?
Now, listen baby, I don't know
Honey, don't you lie to me
Ain't as dumb as I used to be

Now, I know a doctor by the name of Heck
Fell into a well and broke his doggone neck
Served him right, he was in the wrong
He ought to tend the signal that the well was long*

Lord . . .

Well, I bought a combination suit of underwear
To keep out the cold and the wintery air
I wore 'em six months without exaggerating
When I start to take 'em off, I forgot the combination

Lord . . .

Well, I put Easter eggs under my old hen
It was Easter morning then
The rooster came along and saw the green ones and the red
And he jumped upon the bench and killed the peacock dead

Lord . . .

As sung by Willard Brewer at Shafter FSA Camp 8-4-40.

Voices From the Dust Bowl.

Alright, this song obviously is related to Who Broke the Lock on the Henhouse Door?, done by Riley Puckett as Riley's Hen House Door, but this seems to be a distinctive variant. Roud 16033, but Brewer's song is the only reference listed.

*Not sure about this line . . . .