The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2235765
Posted By: Bobert
13-Jan-08 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
You are absolutely right, B-Mick...

This is the Dems election to loose and what I am seein', especially out of the Clinton camp, is an amazing ability to use subtle racial remarks that can get one heck of a lotta black voters, in particular, to sit this one out...

Next thing ya' know the Clintons will have cleared out enough of the front lines that usually stand up and say "Hey, that is outta bounds" so that the Repubs will be askin' Obama if he ever solf drugs to school kids...

Makes this ol' hillbilly sick...

I have no problems with any camp except the Clinton camp which, IMO, could teach Karl Rove a few new tricks...

Well, I don't see Hillary *weepin' her way to the White House*...

But I do see her damaging Obama's chances...

The Clintons need to do some serious rethinkin' here... They are the ones who have played the race card... I don't give a flyin' frig if the old guard civil rights folks think that Bill Clinton was the first black president... If that's what they think, fine... Keep it to yourselves... He ain't black...

Hey, ain't no bad folks here... Just folks who need to rethink the game... The amin thing is to stop the insanity... If one looks at the Repub hopefulls its like looking into a looney ward at some state mental hospital...

Yeah, lets at least keep our ranks tight...

That's why I proposed a deal with CarolC... Lets just get the Repubs (including the Clinton Repub-lites) outta the White House, catch our collective breath and go on from there...

Sorry if I consider the Clintons as Repubs but they are...
