The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100917   Message #2236630
Posted By: Sorcha
14-Jan-08 - 09:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Our pets favorite things
Subject: RE: BS: Our pets favorite things
Dave's Wife...that is FUNNY!

I pulled into the drive after work today and interrupted 'something' at the far end of the drive, next to the garage. Our 'old cat', Yentle (she is at least 16, we don't know how old really) was all POOOOFFEEDDD UP! at something I couldn't see.

I got out of the car and started toward her when a young but full grown coal black cat came wandering out from under the trailer parked in the drive. I didn't think it was possible for Yentle to POOOOF more but she did. Young kitty does the cannine 'wanna play' bow at the old lady...old lady went HHHIIISSSSS! GIT ORF MY PROPITY!

Blackie looks at me...I said, well, hello there, expecting her to run. Most cats do when presented with a strange servant. No, she started walking towards me. THAT set the old lady off even more! Yentle dashes up (well, as fast as she can dash) to give me the head bump that says this is MY servant, not yours!

Didn't faze lil blackie one bit...she walked down the edge of the flower bed and allowed me to actually PET her! Yentle goes plumb bonkers at that, and hisses of to lay claim to the Front Porch. I follow. (I was after all, going inside anyway)


I start to open the front door and of course by this time the dogs know I'm home. All 5 of them. I explain to lil black girl that she really, really doesn't want to go in there.....and Yentle backs me up. SHE is Queen of the Castle and about to take possesion. I open the door and of course the Queen changes her mind. YOU want ME to go in THERE? What EVER were you thinking?

I went inside (let dogs out the back door) and the last I saw of lil black girl she was waltzing around on the front porch teasing the old lady. Black girl had a collar on, so she must have servants somewhere, but I've never seen her before.

The saga may girl was a really nice cat...even let me pick her up for a bit so she could see through the glass door and eye ball the 5 good reasons she didn't want to go in there.