The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21088   Message #223711
Posted By: Jon Freeman
05-May-00 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Despicable Virus Alert
Subject: RE: Tech: Despicable Virus Alert
I guess part of the problems I had with Corel Linux were that I couldn't get to the command line. The only way I could set it up involved running in a Dos folder, the Dos Loader started and I could find no way of interupting the process without comlete lock up until the KDE display manager loaded.

I had changed a grahics card and all I could get was a flashing screen even in command prompt mode (Ctr Alt F2 takes you there from the grahics from KDE). To make matters worse, the only time the keyboard input was accepted was when the screen was "on" in its flash mode. Took me ages keying in to get to XF86Config to set it back to a std VGA monitor before I was able to tell it about the ATI card...

I am still persevering with Linux and think that some of my troubles were to do with the DOS loader but things need to improve on this sort of thing.


(never a Unix user but a CP/M and DOS command line user)