The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21088   Message #223773
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
05-May-00 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Despicable Virus Alert
Subject: RE: Tech: Despicable Virus Alert
I juast checked Amzon for "Viruses for Dummies" - I didn't find it - but there was "Virus Defence for Dummies". Out of print.

Still I suppose, if you're in the business of writing viruses, you would need to know about defence techniques, so maybe there's not a lot of difference. Lke when a government is running germ or poison gas warfare research, this always gets explained as being intended purely to help defened against germ or poison gas attacks.

Basic rule is, any time you get an attachment you haven't asked for, send an email saying "there's an email in my intray which says it's from you, with an attachment called etc etc - could you confirm that it's what it says it is?" What's difficult about that? And the other thibg kjs, once you've deleted any suspicious emails and attachments, empty the deleted file as well, just to be on the safe side.)

The thing has its funny side though - the British House of Commons got hit because some MP saw the ILOVEYOU attachment, and thought it was real and opened it. Now what kind of politician would expect to get a real "I Love You" message? (Well, Ken Livingstone might maybe, but he'd not be fool enough to trust it and open it.)