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Thread #107495   Message #2238105
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Jan-08 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kucinich files a complaint
Subject: RE: BS: Kucinich files a complaint
Kat, I agree with you that there is no point throwing one's hands up in despair. Dennis is keeping on, as you say, and so should the rest of us.

When I say that there has been a lengthy coup under way for years now to dominate the government and media in the USA with a single homogenized corporate-sponsored viewpoint, and that both major parties are deeply compromised by it, I am deadly serious...but I am not suggesting that people throw up their hands in despair.   Nope, I'm suggesting that they find every way possible to save their democracy while they still can.

I suggest:

1. Pressuring one's representatives to investigate what is going on, and asking them to see that people like Dennis Kucinich are not shut out by the main media outlets.

2. Campaigning vigorously against the use of computer-controlled voting machines, and insisting on paper ballots.

Dennis Kucinich has won a number of nationwide polls conducted on the Internet in which he came through as the MOST favored democratic candidate on the slate. The TV media have done their best to give it little or no notice, in hopes that most people will remain oblivious to it. Anyone who thinks that their screening of him out of the last 3 televised debates was based on such a fair and reasonable notion as "gradually winnowing down the 'official' debate to those who have any chance of winning" is akin to an ostrich with its head stuck firmly in the sand....quite determined to avoid any uncomfortable realities in favor of some much more comfortable mythologies.

Such an attitude is exactly what would suit the agenda of the controllers who have decided that Clinton, Obama, and Edwards are the only 3 Democratic viewpoints worthy of national televised exposure. They don't seek to discover public opinion, they seek to mould it to their own predetermined matter what. The public, to them, is just a piece of mindless dough to be kneaded into shape, shoved into the electoral oven, and baked.

And what does that get you? A "cooked" election, and a "cooked" presidency.

Has anyone ever heard of a state supreme court rushing to reverse a judgement this quickly before? In a matter of hours? I haven't. Can you imagine the urgency with which the controllers rousted out that state supreme court and got them to pass their ruling so that Kucinich could be silenced????

That tells you right there what is going on. They didn't do it because it's cumbersome to have 4 points of view in a debate. They did it because they are downright desperate to keep TV viewers from getting a chance to hear Dennis's message go up against those of the 3 compliant stooges who got to BE on the show...and who all say pretty much the same thing anyway. You get a choice of oatmeal 1, oatmeal 2, and oatmeal 3....but you do not get a chance to hear someone who is offering something much more substantial than oatmeal!

Now keep in mind, I personally like Obama a lot. I like Edwards a lot. I even like Hillary Clinton moderately well as an individual, always have. But I find the policies they are offering to be like watered down really weak lemonade compared to what Kucinich is offering which is strong medicine for a sick country! Just no comparison there.

That's why he isn't being allowed on the debates. He'd make the others' policies look as lacklustre as they really are.

And public support? Ha! Public support is being manufactured in the usual corporate. As always. BY the media! By whom the TV decides to promote. They decide who you're gonna vote for before you ever even heard about it, and then they spend the next year or so arranging it. That's how it's done in Orwellian systems. When are you going to wake up and realize you've been had?