The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68266   Message #2238173
Posted By: Skivee
16-Jan-08 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: Heavy Singing Health
Subject: RE: Heavy Singing Health
Well, Guest,ok...thanks for expressing you disdain for folk music performers, folk music and all music that you don't like.
Your rebeleous spirit proves that you are a real artist and a talent that deserves to be exalted, etc.
Pardon me for pointing out that the person who started the thread identified himself as a singer in a hard rock band. He then ASKED for helpful advice on how he could limit damage to his vocal chords. The damage he was doing was affecting his ability to perform in the manor that he wanted to.
There are ways to sing with balls that don't trash your voice, but it takes study and careful practice. Of course, listening to other singers is stupid, so you won't go that route. That is your perogative.
Your opinion that he shouldn't worry about it is an interesting theory. By extension, real drivers don't need a brake pedal, and skydivers who use a parachute don't understand the essence of their sport. His asking for advice shows that he is unworthy anyway.
I wish you success with your expressive, node filled, and short singing carreer.