The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107666   Message #2238196
Posted By: Ron Davies
16-Jan-08 - 11:24 PM
Thread Name: Who Would Jesus Deport?
Subject: RE: Who/ Whom Would Jesus Deport?

You certainly have a smooth MO: bringing up smears and rumors against Obama, Hispanics or any others of your choosing, then claiming to be "just the messenger".

Fine, since you're "just the messenger", I'm sure you wouldn't mind making a clear statement that you personally don't believe in these rumors and conspiracy theories--e.g. the one about Hispanics plotting to return parts of the US to Mexico. Do you believe the group allegedly planning this has virtually no support among US Hispanics--yes or no? ( I do realize that trying to get a straight answer out of you bears a strong resemblance to nailing Jello to the wall.)

But for a parallel, you might consider that the idea about returning parts of the US to Mexico has as much support among Hispanics as the idea of "stamping out" religion -- (that is, using force to attain this goal)-- has among secularists.