The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107666   Message #2238298
Posted By: Ron Davies
17-Jan-08 - 07:36 AM
Thread Name: Who Would Jesus Deport?
Subject: RE: Who/Whom/What/When/Where/WhyWouldJesusDeport?
"I never suggested force" to achieve this goal. Anything you say. Never mind that "stamping out" entails force. Perhaps you'd like to make the acquaintance of the English language at some point--your education appears to have been neglected.

Re-education is better--another of your suggestions--do we need chapter and verse from your collected works? ( Just as in Germany in the 1930's, Vietnam after 1975, etc.)

How comforting.

And in your eagerness to smear religion (again), you seem to have left out Stalin, Mao, and HItler (again).