The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107666   Message #2238684
Posted By: artbrooks
17-Jan-08 - 03:28 PM
Thread Name: Who Would Jesus Deport?
Subject: RE: Who/Whom/What/When/Where/WhyWouldJesusDeport?
Oh, come on Riginslinger - most of us have spent time on college campuses, and you know that you can always come up with at least one nutty prof and a dozen or so students to picket or gather together to support any beats studying. You can also find a few internet sites that espouse any topic under the sun - the Flat Earth Society is alive and well and on the web.

Now, I live in New Mexico, which is one of the four states that border on Northwest Mexico and one of the three that had all or part of its territory seized by the US in the Mexican War of 1846-1848. There are a few Hispanics living here - there are rumors that one of them was even running for President of the United States until a week or so ago. Heck, a few of them even speak Spanish. Do they have any interest at all in rejoining Mexico? Not hardly.