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Thread #101088   Message #2238931
Posted By: Jeri
17-Jan-08 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
AMEN, brother Lox!

I found it amazing that it took so long for somebody to start yammering about race. I watched what was probably the lamest debate I've ever watched most of. The moderator (whose name I have forgotten) kept prodding about race, and some guy in the audience began to loudly protest. They got him to shut up and probably dragged him outside, but the guy was right.

I found it inspirational that Obama won in Iowa, got pretty damned close in New Hampshire, and the guys who made predictions based on demographics were finding that nobody much was paying attention to race... except for the pollsters and predictors. I thought, 'we have finally grown enough as a society that people are voting for the best person, NOT the person who most resembled them.' Then came the idiotic comments from pundits and press, until that moderator tried to force the issue.

I know he's Black. Yes, I've noticed. I don't care! The press is stuck in the past with a viewpoint that has become effectively irrelevant, and they don't know how to deal with it! The world has moved on, and they're left scratching their heads and trying to figure out what IS important, now that race is proving to be not that big of a deal.

Meanwhile, that moderator hasn't been paying attention... or maybe it's not so innocent. If people can be persuaded to see Obama as the Black candidate, it will distract from the issues and it will be divisive. That's the opposite of what he's about and it undermines his whole platform. It really is, and should be, about voting for the best candidate