The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106771   Message #2238997
Posted By: Teribus
18-Jan-08 - 01:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Ah Bobert, the only person laddling out "crapola" by the bucket is yourself:

1. ***C student in college but probably was closer to being a d student but rich kids get a favorable grading...

Matter of record Bobert he averaged 77, grade range for a C is 70 - 79. So with a score of 77 he was closer to a B than a D as you state. Deliberate misrepresentation on your part Bobert or just another lie.

2. ***AWOL from Texas Air National Guard...

Matter of record Bobert, Lt G. W. Bush was given an honourable discharge from the Air National Guard. That would not have been the case had he indeed been AWOL.

3. ***Given the Texas Rangers by his daddy and the team's profits went down...

Matter of record Bobert, GHWB had nothing to do with GWB's purchase of the Texas Rangers Team. Which puts rather a large hole in your statement that GWB was "given" the team by his father, to persist in that is to deliberately tell a lie.

4 ***Given Harkin Energy by his daddy and he ran it into the ground right after taking $700,000 out of the kitty for himself...

Matter of record Bobert, Harkin Energy took over, i.e. bought Spectrum 7, nobody gave anybody anything, it was a straightforward business deal. Marks up another falsehood deliberately spread by Bobert.

***Cokehead and alcoholic

Evidence Bobert?

***Convicted drunk driver and...

Matter of record Bobert, the current President of the United States of America does not have a criminal record.