The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107666   Message #2239135
Posted By: Riginslinger
18-Jan-08 - 08:18 AM
Thread Name: Who Would Jesus Deport?
Subject: RE: Who Would Jesus Deport?
"Exactly why should any sentient being believe that there is the slightest chance of any group ever returning any part of the US to Mexico?"

             Ron - The concept is really mis-stated when put this way. In a broader sense, what the La Voz de Aztlan is saying is, they want to take over the American Southwest by occupying it with sheer numbers.

It would be a lot like having a conversation with Mike Huckabee about evolution:
    He would say, "I don't believe mankind came from Apes."
    And a rational individual might reply, "I don't either, but I think mankind and apes had a common ancestor."
    And he would counter with, "There you go again, telling me mankind came from apes. Well, I certainly didn't come from apes."
    At which point the rational individual can see that any future discussion is pointless, and goes on to other things.

    "Will you ever understand the difference between religion and abuse of religion?"

                Ron - I think religion is abuse, especially when applied to young children.