The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21146   Message #223925
Posted By: Sorcha
06-May-00 - 01:27 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the day - May 6, 2000
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - May 6, 2000
Also in Wyoming, here, and it is a weird year. 98F here yesterday, kat! Already!! Lilacs in full bloom, tulips wilting in Spring. I am very concerned about the water supply for this summer, and cut way back on the garden. My question/thought for the day:
Water sort of re cycles its self, right? Rain to ground, to evaporation, to rain? So, where is all the water going? Why are the aquafiers not filling back up? We take our water out of the river (North Platte),put it on the plants and in the ground, and it dissapears.......we can NOT water on the wrong day of the week, a la Florida, but if it doesnt go back to the river, or to evaporation to fall elsewhere, where does it go? Where is Eienstien, when matter does not conform?