The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107666   Message #2240021
Posted By: Ron Davies
19-Jan-08 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: Who Would Jesus Deport?
Subject: RE: Who Would Jesus Deport?

Are you not aware there have been Irish and Italian immigrants to the US? My reference, since it appears to have escaped your giant brain, was to the fact that nativists in the US feared and hated the Irish and Italian immigrants for many reasons including the reason you now cite regarding Hispanics--their quickly increasing numbers, raising the fear that the "native-born Americans" themselves would be soon in the minority.

"Hitler was a Catholic."

This statement, unsurprisingly, shows spectacular ignorance of history.

There was huge tension between Hitler and the German Catholic Church right from the start.

Hitler and the Vatican signed a Concordat,--as part of Gleichschaltung-- since Hitler was determined to eliminate any competition in the political sphere. Catholics could maintain their religion in return for refraining from any political action--including defending Jews who had converted to Catholicism.

From "Hitler's Pope"--a book which even rabid anti-religious Mudcatters might possibly realize is not a whitewash of the Catholic Church:

There was a rally of Catholic apprentices June 8-11, 1933 in Munich--that is, before the Concordat. "After sporadic attacks on individuals by brownshirts during the first two days, the Nazi uniformed thugs organized a series of violent attacks on larger groups on Saturday evening. Catholic youths in their hundreds were beaten up and chased off the streets. their distinctive orange shirts ripped from their backs."

"Throughout June, Center Party" (the Catholic party) " deputies and members were subjected to a wave of terror: house searches, arrests, intimidation. In Munich, Fritz, the courageously outspoken Catholic editor of "Der Gerade Weg", was beaten almost to death in the magazine's offices, then thrown into a concentration camp (he was murdered a year later)."

Nazi press justification of these and other attacks: "Catholicism aims in every way to sabotage the orders of the government and to work against it".

Even after the Concordat:

"...Catholicism was under pressure from a variety of authorities within the Reich: Baldur von Schirach, head of the Hitler Youth, was undermining Catholic youth organizations;...the Finance Ministry was investigating Catholic missionary societies for offenses against currency laws...Throughout Germany there were piecemeal attempts to break the hold of Catholicism in schools--from the banning of crucifixes and religious pictures on the walls to the proscription of dual membership in Nazi and Catholic work organizations to the firing of Catholic instructors..."

Do you think Hitler did not sanction this?   How naive are you?