The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107840   Message #2240053
Posted By: open mike
19-Jan-08 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: Tim Eriksen on Youtube
Subject: RE: Tim Eriksen on Youtube
Why so few entries on this thread?
Is Tim Eriksen the best kept secret around?
He helped with the music on Oh Brother and
Cold Mountian and was in Cordelia's Dad

his web page states:" the only person to
have appeared with both Doc Watson and Kurt
Cobain and to have unintentionally cut himself
on stage at both CBGB and the Academy Awards"

The Archives at mvyradio -- --
now feature Tim Eriksen And The Shape Note Singers,
captured in Summer 2006 at the Newport Folk Festival.
You can hear the performance at

here is a link to a musical instrument museum
he is involved in

newport folk festival
Tim_Eriksen_And_The_Shape_Note_Singers on mvy radio