The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107800   Message #2240354
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
19-Jan-08 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nevada Caucus Snafu
Subject: RE: BS: Nevada Caucus Snafu
Nevada unimportant in the overall scenario. Soon forgotten.

Feb. 5 brings up the important states. The networks have exaggerated beyond reason the importance of early primary-caucus states.

The so-called rural vote in Nevada I think was a mis-statement.
MSNBC says Clinton won half the white votes, two-thirds of the Hispanic vote, while Obama won 80& of the black vote.
Associated Press, an hour ago, reports Clinton 14, Obama 13 delegates, while CNN holds at 14-14. Of course these are temporary counts and leave out some superdelegates, they will remain uncertain until April 22.

Outside of the large centers of Las Vegas and Reno, centers of the gambling-tourist industry, the vote comes from the employees of the large ranches and irrigated farms, the military bases and from many retirees. Many of the agricultural employees are Hispanic.
Rural, in the usual sense, is a hard term to apply in Nevada.