The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107588   Message #2240682
Posted By: GUEST,Elizabeth Ntsele
20-Jan-08 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: PRS Performing Rights Gestapo
Subject: RE: PRS Performing Rights Gestapo
Also Elizabeth, the assumption that a landlord can expect to profit every time live music is played is not always realistic

Nor can a Landlord expect to profit every time he opens his door, that applies to every retail business, he still has to pay his overheads, lighting, Heating, electricity, staff etc.

A songwriter cannot expect to profit (and seldom does) every time he writes a song, If his income is by way of the song being sung at venues and the payment due isn't paid Income will be Nil - bad enough if the item you make doesn't sell but not fair if it is selling (read; being sung) and you still don't get paid.

Les Worrall?? - "we constantly have problems with guest coming on Mudcat and causing real problems."

Causing Real Problems? it's a bulletin board - simply words, peoples opinion, hardly liable to cause life threatening condition or confine one to a hospital bed, easily deleted by admin if offensive or inflammatory etc.. and how does adding a "Name" eg "the Villan" change any of that?

Elizabeth Ntsele