The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21144   Message #224082
Posted By: bbelle
06-May-00 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: Descriptive terms, appropriate or not?
Subject: RE: Descriptive terms, appropriate or not?
Dear Ely ... I don't know you at all, so I cannot comment on your learning disability, however, I must tell you that I was never able to "do" math unless it's add, subtract, multiply, and divide. I also screw up percentages and have learned to ask "which number goes into which?"

The only time I've ever cheated in my life was in third grade. It was parent's night and my teacher was going to display our long division papers. I couldn't figure out long division to save my life ... so I took a trip down to the teacher's desk ... and on my way back to my desk glanced at someone else's paper and memorized all the answers. My downfall was that I wrote down all the answers but didn't have time to write down the problems before the teacher picked up the papers. The teacher knew my "problem" and chastised me privately for what I did. She didn't tell my parents but I did. The disappointment in their eyes has never allowed me to cheat again.

I had math tutors all through college and grad school to get me through the math. I've learned to compensate, but it was some rough times. It's funny how people tend to rate your IQ on how well you perform calculations. They missed their mark on me because my IQ is 160 and I'm still mathematically-challenged!

I'm certainly loquacious today ... I'm painting the inside of my house ... getting ready for the "boys" (Allan, Bill, and David) ... and taking a break ... and not particularly eager to return to the task.

But ... I think I'm going to change my nickname to ... shortfatlittlejewish/irishwomanwhowearsglassesandhasbushyunrulynair