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Thread #21004   Message #224162
Posted By: InOBU
06-May-00 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Were Vietnam veterans spat upon?
Subject: RE: BS: Were Vietnam veterans spat upon?
Hi Fadac
I think we probably would have a lot to agree on, though we had differnt ways of dealing with the Viet Nam war. I agree that we should have gone after the nazis eariler. In fact, my crowd did. We American reds were called Pre Mature Anti Facists, and after the war, there was a return to denying the most basic constitutional rights to those who went to Spain to stick it to hitler while the US and England were sitting at the table with him. After the war, we returned to a pro-nazi, not a pro german stance, using the Gestapo to set up Interpole, our space program was a haven for nazis and well the list goes on, and the Criminocracy in Russia is the result. Now, before you flame me as a Stalinist, Stalin was a criminal, but there would have been a Gorbachev sooner if we had not been so agressive against ALL socialist states.
I only say this because, we have been looking at the Viet Nam war in a vacume. No, not every CO was a coward, I for one, went to Belfast in the worst years of that struggle as a photographer and was shot at there. Yup, I was scared shitless, cold jelly for knees, but I stayed and did my job.
That job, I hoped, was to help us all to realize NOT TO TRUST OUR GOVERNMENTS! Trust each other, I have a lot more in common with you Fadac, than the sons of bitches who stuck a gun in you hand or made some kid from Glascow point a gun at me.
Peaceful aniversery to all, and my hat is off to the US vets who, against their governments wishes have gone back to remove land mines. Thouse men are more than heros, as so many have been, they are saints and heros.
Best wishes