The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107666   Message #2241733
Posted By: Riginslinger
21-Jan-08 - 09:27 PM
Thread Name: Who Would Jesus Deport?
Subject: RE: Who Would Jesus Deport?
Actually, it was the "religious wrong" who championed the cause of the politicians who caused the disaster in New Orleans (Ronald Suirtgun, George Dubbya, Newt whatever his name was). These folks purposely denied funding to the Corps of Engineers so the levees could not be repaired and updated. War and a peace time military buildup was more important.
             Of course, this allowed the church goers to run out into the water and act like heroes--or maybe even saviours. But it didn't provide them with enough intellect to allow them to feel guilty. Even if it had, though, forgiveness is always just around the corner for those folks.