The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2241797
Posted By: Richard Bridge
22-Jan-08 - 03:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Yes I'd like more sleep too.

The idea that there was a refusal by the Labout party to compromise during your chosen period is simply wrong. I was there.

The Economist is of course irretrievably wedded to the the capitalist agenda and is inexorably partisan in political terms. It would love Tony Blair because he took the heart out of Labour and turned it into a paler set of conservativees. Indeed, on some issues the Labour Party is to the right of the conservative party (if the conservaties could be trusted to tell the truth rather than say anything at all in order to seek election).

Blair in fact refused to compromise with teh wish of the most of the british electorate to keep the national health service free and out of the hands of the profiteers. Likewise he refused to compromise with the wish of most of the british electorate not to enter two illegal wars. He refused to compromise on plans to introduce compulsory identification cards - "Haben sie ihren Pass?" Brown continues his march to the drum of capital, to the detriment of all others.

Ask yourself. How many are capitalists, and how many workers?

Ask yourself again as the US economy poises for its next great recession, does capitalism eventially collapse under its internal contradictions?

LH - yes, I have read all of Kucinich's website and he seems to me a man of principle and vision, a vision that could immeasurably improve the lot of the vast majority of Americans : if he was given freedom of speech. It goes, I fear, to prove that in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is not king, but regarded as a hallucinator.