The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21090   Message #224274
Posted By: GUEST,Crazy Eddie
07-May-00 - 07:57 AM
Thread Name: 3 wise men of Gotham
Subject: RE: 3 wise men of Gotham
When awful silence and darkness reign, Over the great Gromboolian plain, Where the angry breakers roar, As they beat on the rocky shore, Of the hills of the Chankly Bore...............

Mrrzy, It was of course the Dong With The Luminous Nose!

However, my favourite Lear Character was the man "Whose head was ever so much larger than his body, and whose hat was rather small"

Another clue,

Two old chairs and half a candle, One old jug without a handle, These were all the worldy goods, In the middle of the woods, Of ...............[insert name here]

Eddie ;o)