The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107974   Message #2242834
Posted By: Brother Crow
23-Jan-08 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: Looking For Gigs in February
Subject: Looking For Gigs in February
Hi, apologies if this is a breach of forum etiquette...

We're making the long journey down south from Durham to Kings Lynn to play a gig at the Crofters Coffeehouse on Wednesday 20th February 2008. To get the most out of our "petrol money", as we won't break even on the trip, we're looking for gigs on either (or both) the 19th or 21st February somewhere on the way.

We're not looking for vast amounts of cash (though it would be nice!!!), just a venue to play at...we'll provide the PA. We prefer to do gigs with a "listening" audience, but we will do pubs as well at a push, so long as the audience accepts that the material is all original.

Check us out at or (for some sample songs). Contact details are on the website.

Brother Crow.