The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2242849
Posted By: Kweku
23-Jan-08 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
I could probably term my contribution to this thread as a sub-thread.
For those of us in Africa and Ghana to be specific, who follow the US politics via CNN, Al-jazera and BBC, the US election is of secondary importance because most Africans are struggling to understand the difference between Democracy and Autocracy. Talk about the Nigerian elections and just the recent one in Kenya.

So you switch on the TV and you see this lanky guy called Sen. Obama and who is referred to as a black/brown person in the US but considered white by the ordinary African on the street like our former president Jerry John Rawlings, and then you hear that he may end up being the first black of the US and you can't help but smile to yourselve. Because to us it is no news not when there are always invisible hands pulling the strings behind the scenes.

To most of us in Africa, it is just a US matter and after all if Democracy, with all due respect, is just about putting puppets on the presidential seat then who cares who wins an election. After "all" politicians and again with all due respect, are just opportunistic dinosaurs.

After all in South Africa now, all the ANC gurus are now multi-millionaires whiles the masses who died for the end of apartheid still wallow in abject poverty.