The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107946   Message #2243310
Posted By: GUEST,I'm just curious
23-Jan-08 - 10:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Interesting Viewpoint on Abortion
Subject: RE: BS: Interesting Viewpoint on Abortion
Where has the myth that **all** people who claim to be pro-life are also pro-death penalty and pro-war? "Pro-lifers" I've known cover the full spectrum of beliefs and opinions on those issues. What about the myth that **all** pro-life people never lift a hand to help pregnant women? I've known quite a few 'pro-lifers" who've run, volunteerd for, or at least financially supported social service agencies for pregnant women in trouble; who have taken troubled pregnant women into their homes and supported them until they were able to manage independently. I've known "pro-lifers" who've adopted kids out of foster care etc, etc. There's probably more diversity of opinions attitudes and activities in the pro-life movement than in either major US political party.