The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107666   Message #2243318
Posted By: Ron Davies
23-Jan-08 - 10:35 PM
Thread Name: Who Would Jesus Deport?
Subject: RE: Who Would Jesus Deport?
" Bush has been actively trying to smuggle as many illegal Hispanics into the country as possible, hoping to drive the wages of hard-working Americans down even further."

Well, Rig, nobody can say you're not creative in your conspiracy theories--your "Conspiracies R Us" chain is what they call a "category killer"--you cover the waterfront. Nobody else has a chance. Bad luck for some of your Mudcat competitors.

And your entertainment value soars higher with every posting.

Gee, it seems the only things missing are sense and logic.

And, by the way, since you're such a strong supporter of Hillary, what makes you think she won't "smuggle" at least as many in--by pushing for a path to citizenship for illegals? If not as a candidate, then for absolute sure as president.

And how are you coming in your campaign to draft Lou Dobbs?