The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107946   Message #2243843
Posted By: Slag
24-Jan-08 - 02:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Interesting Viewpoint on Abortion
Subject: RE: BS: Interesting Viewpoint on Abortion
One of the problems in this discussion, not just on the 'Cat but the national discussion, is that we try to speak from general principles and if nothing were more clear it is that every case is unique and is a personally intense experience. There is a price to be paid for foolishness and in the case of unwanted pregnancies it is usually a very high price indeed. Again, a generality. Granted, some folks are wanton in their sexual conduct and an abortion is not that big of a deal but I suspect that is a low number. I believe in the general principle of abstinence but I am not deluded as to the power of the urge and the moment.

On the purely biological front any scientist, unencumbered by political or religious pressure would tell you unequivocally that life begins at the moment of conception. If this were not true there would be no higher life forms, that is, unless we could bud or have a perfect parthenogenesis. Life, if anything in the empirical world, is a CONTINUATION. And that path of continuation has conception as it's key nexus.* That is a point that needs not enter the debate, in my honest opinion.

Some have said that those having abortions are the very ones whose DNA should be removed from the gene pool. Quite callous and it overlooks all the circumstances which have brought the woman to such a crisis. Abortion is the one topic where anecdotal evidence rules the discussion. It IS what it is about; individuals in life-circumstances faced with a horrendous choice. I don't know the answer. There is no answer. Only a case by case evaluation and an answer to one's own conscience or God.

I think everyone with any moral fortitude is "Pro-life". We love our lives to some extent. That's why we keep hanging around on this little mud ball we call Earth. Some more so than others. And some find their pregnancy the make or break issue. Then it is certainly a case of choice over general principle. Instead of a debate or general condemnations we should stress education and we should provide all the help and incentive we can for those in a bad situation. Good Samaritans all. That's my ideal. It's a dream, of course. But we all do what we can.

The French have a saying (never got around to learning French), it translates "To understand all is to forgive all". I believe that is a good starting point.

* You know me. I love words. The suffix "'cept" is a great little word-part which means "to grasp". Concept, recept, precept, percept, accept, intercept, etc. Carries a lot of meaning. Try substituting the word "grasp" whenever you see it in a word and it intensifies your congrasp of the meaning.