The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44434   Message #2244207
Posted By: JohnInKansas
24-Jan-08 - 11:38 PM
Thread Name: Pills to Purge Melancholy IN PRINT!
Subject: RE: Pills to Purge Melancholy IN PRINT!
You guys worry all you want. Just believe - I know what to do with it.

Not too long ago I went to the city library to download a 47 MB file that I couldn't get through my dial-up. Best estimate was only about 5 hours for the dial-up download, but the connection was never stable for that long.

The library has a "one hour limit" for users on their computers, and I had to leave the download running when they kicked me off. An hour later I got back on the machine and managed to find the file and burn a CD.

My "plain vanilla" DSL is at least 5x as fast as the "high speed" connection at the library. Not surprising, as the "guy" who told me "he wrote all the library programs" didn't know what either "DSL" or "T1" meant, or what kind of connection the library has. The library in Higgins TX (population about 18 if you count dogs and chickens) has a better connection than I've been able to get to until we got our current DSL.

The 6 .pdf files linked when I saw this thread previously run up to about 60 MB (269 MB total for the six), so getting them now is something for which I'm truly grateful. And it took less than an hour.

Note that the Google books ones linked later (24 Jan 08 - 04:35 AM) although incomplete are a lot smaller (31.5 MB for four volumes) and don't look too bad, for those still not wanting to make the bigger downloads. If you can handle around 10 - 12 MB at a shot, they're "accessible."

I'm surprised that the earlier (01 Apr 07 - 09:34 AM) links show only 30 to 40 downloads. They've been up for some time now, and I'd have expected fairly large demand for the books. Lots of people must have "size troubles" - possibly including some here(?).
