The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105241   Message #2245340
Posted By: Ron Davies
26-Jan-08 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Can Bush Be Stopped from Invading...
Subject: RE: BS: Can Bush Be Stopped from Invading...
As I said earlier -- 5 Oct 2007 12:14 AM for instance-- contrary to much rather overheated rhetoric, Bush will not invade Iran.

Why? Since, as I said then, Ahmadinejad will fall due to his own unpopularity--without Iran's developing a nuclear bomb.

His unpopularity has taken a big jump recently with deaths of over 60 Iranians, some due to gas shortages in remote and mountainous villages---(23 Jan 2007, AP, I believe.)

"..even Iran's supreme leader has implicitly rebuked his one-time protege."

Ahmadinejad "was openly humiliated when state radio read a decree by supreme leader ....Khamenei...ordering him to implement a law approved by Parliament to supply more natural gas to remote villages".

"Citing budgetary reasons, Ahmadinejad had balked at the Parliament's order to spend $1 billion from the country's currency reserve fund to supply the gas."

"But Khanmenei, who has final say on all state matters under Iran's complicated system, overruled him".

"Many view high inflation and shortages of gas and bread as particularly bitter, because Iran should be flush with oil revenues right now, from high world oil prices".

He is already losing power. " local municipal elections a year ago, the president's allies suffered a humiliating defeat after a majority of the seats were won by reformists and conservatives opposing Ahmadinejad".

"The gas shortage has created wide ripples. The government closed offices, schools, and universities for days because of possible shortages"

And though Bush is, by common consent, it appears, the worst president of the US ever, he is not self-destructive. Invading Iran will cause his impeachment and likely removal--the more so since it is becoming progressively more obvious that an invasion will not be necessary. Ahmadinejad will be out on his ear in June 2009 or before--with no nuclear bomb. And Bush of course in January 2009.

Anything else is a self-inflicted Leftist--or Rightist-- nightmare.

As usual, Teribus is also somewhat less than convincing, with his dire warnings about the "12 Old Gits". It's the head "Git" who has just knocked Ahmadinejad down--despite being a fundamentalist Islamic--and therefore a "Crazy Mullah", and threat to Teribus' own existence.

So now Teribus will be no longer have to be afraid of his own shadow.

Surely a positive development.