The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107610   Message #2246064
27-Jan-08 - 09:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: South Carolina - Whole new ballgame
Subject: RE: BS: South Carolina - Whole new ballgame
The Democratic party apparatchiks marginalized Jesse Jackson, not his positions, which were really far less radical then, than John Edwards' positions are now.

But I do agree with you on this point Ron--Obama is a conservative Democrat, not a liberal one. Same is true of Hilary Clinton.

History has shown though, that if you are going to break through barriers of gender and race, you aren't going to do it with progressive candidates. Think: Margaret Thatcher. Clinton would be America's Thatcher.

To me, the country needs a progressive president far more than it needs to break the gender and race barriers this year. I know that sounds like "not this year, step to the back of the line" and it is to a certain extent. But if we have any hope whatsoever of salvaging the future for our children, it won't happen with either Clinton or Obama.