The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108101   Message #2246099
Posted By: Ron Davies
27-Jan-08 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
"Not over yet." I didn't say it was. But if Edwards signs on with Obama it will be over. Mostly since Hillary has marginalized herself--needlessly.   For instance, her stubbornness, in contrast to Edwards, in refusing to admit she was wrong to authorize Bush to use force against Iraq, has hurt her deeply.

The scorched- earth campaigning against Obama--implying, for instance, that he supports Reagan's policies when she knows he does not--has alienated yet more voters.

And there are still lots of unclaimed "superdelegates" who will ally themselves with the perceived winner--which the Obama/Edwards team would be.

Even in Tsunami Tuesday, unless Hillary sweeps the field--unlikely now--they will split delegates, and the nominee will be unclear afterwards

Hillary's coronation has been postponed--and likely cancelled.