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Thread #108101   Message #2246115
Posted By: Ron Davies
27-Jan-08 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
Again, an oversimplification. The Hispanic population is increasing certainly--but I've just read in the WSJ--so sorry about the filthy capitalist connection--that though there was a huge drive which did sign up a great number of new Hispanics wanting to vote, they have been told the process will take over a year--so won't be effective til after fall 2008.

And there evidently are a lot of people in South Carolina who have had the vote for a while--but haven't felt incentive to support the top of the Democratic ticket. With Obama, that has changed drastically. And consider the new voters in New Hampshire. No reason to think one or both of these scenarios cannot happen elsewhere.

What's more, the "Hispanic vote" is not locked up for Hillary.

Among other things, Hillary voted for the proposed 700-mile long fence along the Mexican border. Even if some Hispanics don't vote for Obama--who also voted for the fence--they may not come out to vote for her either when this is made known.