The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108101   Message #2246183
27-Jan-08 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
Yes, that is what I meant when I said that Latino VOTERS look at candidate positions on CAFTA and NAFTA, which the majority of them view as disastrous as well as established to keep them out of the US, their economies as "third world" as the US can keep them to allow for cheap labor pools for US corporations, that sort of thing.

A US president doesn't have to get Cuba to cooperate. Ending the embargo would open the floodgates.

Funny how so few politicos of any stripe ever mention Mexico's oil too, innit? With at least 3.4m barrels per day, Mexico is Latin America's largest crude producer ahead of Venezuela and Brazil, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).