The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108101   Message #2246527
27-Jan-08 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
Actually, we don't know if Richardson actually can deliver a solid bloc of Latino voters the way Obama can deliver a bloc of African American voters.

I really don't see a Clinton/Obama ticket in the stars, regardless.

I do believe that there is a HUGE power struggle going on at the top of the party right now, though. That power struggle, right now, is benefiting Obama. But if Clinton sweeps Super Tuesday, expect a blood bath worse than Sweeney Todd and No Country for Old Men combined. Kerry, Daschle, and Kennedy are old men in politics years, and completely irrelevant in the new political paradigm neither party seems to be aware of yet.

Not that a battle at the top of the party would spill out on the national stage, or anything...

I just threw out the Edwards/Richardson idea for shits and giggles. All three of them had Richardson on speed dial the minute word got out he was dropping out of the race. Right now, Richardson is a trophy endorsement, and all three need him a lot more than he needs them. He's probably smart enough to let this all play out awhile before he hands out the trophy though--see what folks are offering come February 6th. Richardson would be crazy not to hold out at least until mid-Feb or so.

I'm surprised we aren't seeing an avalanche of endorsements to go along with Obama's landslide too.

Ah well, maybe tomorrow there will be some surprises. But savvy politicians will wait it out until after Super Tuesday, at least.