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Thread #108101   Message #2246689
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
27-Jan-08 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
No, I don't think he is locked into anything, especially since he worked under Bill Clinton in the 90s. And god knows how "flexible" one must be to do that!

I know there are people abandoning the Clintons in droves right now, but will Richardson end up being one of them? I keep trying to think of a scenario in which Obama has anything to offer Richardson, and just am stumped. Anyone got any realistic ideas of why Richardson would want to jump on the Obama wagon as his veep?

Call me crazy, but I think Richardson is a man on the rise. Frankly, when both Obama and Clinton could still crash and burn, what is his incentive to wander into the fray?

Charley, maybe you haven't heard about the campaign contributions quesions raised by the LA Times and I forget what other news outlet, about a donor of Obama's who is under indictment in Illinois? The Obama camp said they got rid of the contributions, but then I think it was the LA Times who investigated further, and found that they still had the money?

If Obama were the nominee, you will see the Republicans attack, attack, attack on his "Muslim" connections, his drug use, etc etc.

Remember, Obama hasn't been vetted the same way Clinton and Edwards have.

The worst Obama has been able to hurl at Clinton is her seat on the Wal Mart board. And last time anyone checked, that wasn't in violation of any laws and didn't lead to any indictments (that time).

And Michelle Obama going after Hilary for "not keeping her house in order" when her man strayed with Monica--that is supposed to be legitimate? Not in my book.

There is a real double standard here regarding the candidate spouses.