The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108124   Message #2247019
Posted By: Amos
28-Jan-08 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: How short can a note be?
Subject: RE: How short can a note be?
See the Wikipedia Article on Psychacoustics for general background on the thresholds of aural perception.

Pictonn and van Roon offetr this gnarly paragraph: "The amplitude-intensity functions for the 1 and 2 kHz responses both demonstrated a plateau at higher intensities in the multiple-stimulus conditions but not in the single-stimulus condition. The slope of the amplitude-intensity functions varied significantly with the carrier frequency of the stimulus: 1.30 at 500 Hz, 0.87 at 1000 Hz, 0.75 at 2000 Hz, and 1.40 at 4000 Hz. The slope of the phase-intensity function averaged 1.16 degrees per dB and did not vary with carrier frequency. Estimates of latency, however, indicated that latency increased with decreasing carrier frequency and with decreasing intensity. The performance of the threshold estimating algorithms differed between normal hearing and simulated hearing loss, since the amplitude- and phase-intensity functions in the latter condition were not linear. Physiological-behavioral threshold differences were generally greater for normal hearing than for simulated hearing loss. Linear regression provided the least physiological-behavioral difference but was quite variable during simulated hearing loss. Simply defining threshold as the lowest intensity above which all responses were significantly different from residual EEG noise was the most accurate method in terms of yielding the least standard deviation of the physiological-behavioral difference with an average standard deviation of 10 dB, provided EEG noise levels were low enough in the normal hearing condition.

Conclusions: Thresholds can be estimated using intensity sweeps with about the same accuracy as recording separate responses to discrete intensities. Sweep recordings provide additional information about the responses at suprathreshold intensities by clearly determining amplitude- and phase- intensity functions at these intensities.".

Not a lot of help for the direct quiestion, so far...