The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21210   Message #224709
Posted By: Conrad Bladey (Peasant- Inactive)
08-May-00 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Newcassel Races
Subject: Newcassel Races
Newcassel Races
It's hae ye heard the ill that's duen?
Or hae ye lost?
or hae ye won?
Or hae ye seen what mirth and fun,
At fam'd Newcasel Races, O?
The weather fine, and folks sae gay,
Put on their best, and bent their way
To the Toon Moor, to spend the day,
At fam'd Newcassel Races, O.

There shows of all sorts you may view;
Polito's grand collection too;
Such noise and din and lill-bulloo,
At fam'd Newcassel Races, O.
there some on horses sat astride,
And some in gigs did snugly ride,
With smart young wenches by their side;
Look'd stilish at the Races, O.

A tailor chep aw chanc'd to spy,
Was sneekin through the crowd sae sly,
Tor he'd tyen the darling of his eye,
To swagger at the Races, O.
He says, My dear, well see the show,

Egad! says she, I do not know,
It looks so vulgar and so low,
We'd better see the Races ,O.

One Buck cries Demme, go the rig!
Got two smart lasses in a gig;
He crack'd his whip, and look'd quite big,
While swagg'rin at the Races, O.
But soon, alas! the gig upset,
An ugly thump they each did get;
Some say, that he his breeches wet,
For fear, when at the Races, O.

The one was lyem'd abuin the knee,
The other freetein'd desp' rately;
This demm'd unlucky job! says she,
Has fairly spoil'd my Races, O!
He gat them in, wi' some delay,
And te Newcassel bent his way;
But oft, indeed, he curs'd the day
That e'er he'd seen the Races, O.

Now some were singing songs so fine,
And somewere lying drunk like swine,
Some drakn porter, others wine;
Rare drinkin at the Races, O!
The wanton wags in corners sat,
Wiv bonny lasses on their lap;
An mony a yen gat tit for tat,
Before they left the Races, O.

Now lads and lasses myed for toon,
And in hte road htey oft lay doon;
Faith! mony a lassie spoil'd her goon,
A comin frae the Races, O:
Some gat hyem, midst outs and ins,
Some had black eyes and broken shins,
Andsome lay drunk amang the whins,
A comin frae the Races, O:

Let every one his station mense,
By acting lake a man of sense--
'Twill save him mony a pund expense,
When he gans te the Races, O.
Kind friends, I would you all advise,
Good counsel ye should ne'er despies,
The world's opinion always prize
When ye gan to the Races, O.

-In: The Newcastle Song Book or Tyne-Side Songster., W&T Fordyce
Newcastle Upon Tyne.