The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108112   Message #2247176
Posted By: Mrs Scarecrow
28-Jan-08 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: What did your Dad used to sing?
Subject: RE: What did your Dad used to sing?
One of my greatest regrets is that I did not get into traditional folk music whilst my father was still alive. He was born in 1907 and his first commision at sea was on a sailing ship although it only lasted a few days before it got into trouble and he moved on to something else. He sang Leave her Johnny Leave her, Spanish Ladies and probably many others that I do not recall or didn't get to hear as my mother was strictly into clasical music and a lot of what my father sang would also have been considered inappropriate for children, I do recall the jug of punch and snippets of other drinking songs being sung to me from an early age which may explain a lot