The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106771   Message #2247429
Posted By: Barry Finn
28-Jan-08 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
"Barry it illustrates the complete lack of objectivity in the so-called investigation"

What I lack isn't objectivity, it's the cost for my kids college education, a good affordable heath care plan for my family even though I pay for 2 plans at the moment, a fair tax system that doesn't burden me while I shoulder more than what's asked for by some major corporations, the freedom from the churches interFEARence with the politics of this nations, the civil & human rights that I had before Bush came to DC, the right to live in a safe, healthy & clean enviorment, free access to clean water for all humans before it goes to the utilities, free or subsidized child care for those in need, an economy that doesn't threaten to go bankrupt at the 1st sign of China recalling thier loans on US,
Sorry to cut this off,
I don't have any more time, I have to get my swin in & then go to a session,,,,,,,,Later
