The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20962   Message #224762
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
08-May-00 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! Part 26
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! Part 26
Mutual congratulations are in order. Some nameless person on some nameless thread made a disparaging remark about the songbook the other day. ("Person" is in this context a euphemism for something more accurate which I refrain from writing.) This context demonstrates its value.

Incidentally, I decided that the age of the guntoting shopper wasn't central, so I decided to call her Sally Jones instead. A tough lady of uncertain age, and it scans just as well. (If there's a real identifiable individual behind all this and someone lets me know what the name is, I might change again - unless it's something that won't scan...)