The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2247708
Posted By: Ron Davies
29-Jan-08 - 07:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
I read in several sources that Hillary is counting on Hispanic voters to play a decisive role in several states, including California, Arizona, New York and Arizona. To that end, her spokesmen are reminding Hispanics that they seldom support black candidates. More of the old cynical tired divisive campaigning we've grown accustomed to from her.

I wonder if these voters are aware that, like Obama, she voted in favor of the proposed 700-mile wall between the US and Mexico.

And consider her pathetic waffling on the question of drivers licenses for illegal immigrants--read, primarily Hispanic. It seems obvious to me that you want as all drivers to have licenses --among other things, to give them powerful incentive to get insurance. But she was all over the lot on this issue--and obviously very relieved when Gov. Spitzer was forced to back off on his plan for licenses for illegal immigrants.

As I recall, Obama came down in favor of public safety--that is, in favor of drivers licenses for illegal immigrants.

So for Hispanic voters, there's virtually no difference between Hillary and Obama--if anything, the edge goes to Obama.