The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108101   Message #2247731
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
29-Jan-08 - 08:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
Oh, the one other victory among whites that Obama has counts, but not all the states with white voters that he already lost?

Sure, any of the candidates would pay the big bucks to have you as their campaign consultant, Ron.

Name one president who has been elected by the "college campus" vote? Considering most young people can't afford to go to college, and aren't on a college campus?

I also think it is far too early to predict a poisoning of the well by Bill Clinton. Or that Obama won't pull Latinos behind him.

Me personally, I'm still trying to figure out what Obama's positions are on the friggin' issues.

But this I'll give him--he has the America's Next Top Rock Star Politician vote all sewn up.