The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108101   Message #2247759
Posted By: Bobert
29-Jan-08 - 09:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
Well, yeah, G,g.... His *stated* positions aren't that different than Billary's...

But it isn't really his "stated" positions that has gotten him this far... It's his "unstated" positions which are, at the very least, are suggested in body language and nuances...

Yeah, I know this is no way to elect a president... I'll be the first to admit that... But looking at the rest of the pack, he does stand out as being different... And I don't mean in regards to race... But demeanor...

It's kinda like going to the horse race... Most folks just pick numbers or pick from the stats in the racing guide but there are others, myself included, who walk into the paddock and check out the horses while they are being warmed up and you look for little things like the right combination fiestiness, lather (horse racing term--don't ask) and the looks in the horses eyes...

Obama, to me, has the right combination with the exception of the "lather, of which Bill Clinton has the market captured... Personally, I think the US has been a little lathered up with all of Bush's woofin' and could use a little less lather and just run to place or show... We ***don't*** have to win if winning means going bankrupt...

Jus' MO...
