The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108101   Message #2247806
Posted By: Big Mick
29-Jan-08 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
Subject: RE: BS: Obama annointed by Caroline Kennedy
I share your concern over his positions, GG, but this country has become so cynical (rightfully so, for the most part) that it is my opinion that we need someone to believe in, someone who is inspirational. Mix that up with a community organizer's desire to change and knowledge of life in the community and I think you have a leader with an eye on the right issues. Edwards is still my number 1 choice for Pres, but imagine an Obama Presidency with a cabinet that would include Edwards as Attorney General or Secretary of Labor, Richardson as either VP or Secretary of State, a strong environmental person, maybe Waxman or someone like that at EPA..... man, the possibilities are endless. Labor is obviously a post I am very interested in seeing who he would pick.

I would rather see Edwards, because I feel as though he would draw a line in the sand. But I must admit to feeling old feelings from my youth during the Kennedy years astirring with this young man. I wish him well, and applaud the Kennedy's for stepping up.
