The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108095   Message #2248235
Posted By: Donuel
29-Jan-08 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lap Grinders
Subject: RE: BS: Lap Grinders
Oh dear I have an ethical delemma.

David Freelander is a maestro jewler who specializes in opals.
Last week I saw his man made white opals.

I sorta tinkered around this morning and made some man made black opals. I start with highly polished but low quality opals with little bright colors.

My delemma is whether I should ever put these on the market represented as enhanced opals. While they look like enormously expensive opals they are not. The special materials I have to make them will only make about 50 black opals and I don't know where to get more color changing 1/2 micron thick diffraction flakes.

When a fake looks as good or better than the real thing its just one more fake thing in the world. On the other hand they are more rare than the real thing.