The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108092   Message #2248345
Posted By: Slag
29-Jan-08 - 10:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Staying on topic in threads.
Subject: RE: BS: Staying on topic in threads.
Speaking of Hitler and anchovy legs there was an American Cowboy, which is, of course, a loose translation of the Spanish/Mexican word "vaquero" which oddly enough means "cowboy" which was really a derogatory term for American blacks who were really the main of the working cattle wranglers in the early west. At any rate this cowboy sees a buyer's agent parked atop of the entry gate to a holding pen. The agent has a tally book in hand and the cowpoke (which is another term for cowboy but fo'cusses on the fact that a big part of the job was prodding the doggies[which is an acceptable term for "dogies"] which is another term for unfenced cattle {don't fence me in}]). Well the cowpuncher (you can probably figure that one out on your own) asks the agent "Whatcha doin' there?" to which the agent replies "I'm a countin' heads of cattle as they pass through the gate" Said cowboy has an astonished look on his face as the cows, well actually they were steers, well, not really steers as a lot of them hadn't been castrated. They were a mixed herd as having some steers among the bulls has a calming effect on the bulls. And there were cows among them also. You know it's a strange thing. You wouldn't think it but even in a closed in situation as a corral or a pen the bulls always seem to rise to the occasion when a receptive cow is nearby. Any how they were pouring through the gate at a pretty good rate of speed and the drover ( that's also a word for someone who drives cattle or sheep to market [although they share a common term for their respective jobs the cattlemen had no love for the sheep herders as sheep tend to eat the grass all the way down and leave no forage for the cattle]) says "How on earth can you keep track of all them cattle" to which the agent says that's easy. I just count their legs and divide by four."

I don't know much about herding anchovies but I imagine you take the tally in much the same way. I'd be interested in learning more about the subject since math is one of my favorite things and I believe that was the topic which Peace addressed.

As for Hitler, he didn't know the difference between a duck.