The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86830   Message #2248391
Posted By: Janie
30-Jan-08 - 01:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Depression and Anxiety
Subject: RE: BS: Depression and Anxiety
Clinical depression (Or Major Depressive Depressive Disorder) simply means that you are experiencing a sufficient number of a list of signs and symptoms to add up to meeting technical diagnostic criteria. It says nothing about the origins of the clinical depression.   

There is a difference between being stressed and unhappy and being clinically depressed. However, stress and distress and the unhappiness involved can trigger a clinical depression. Once the clinical depression sets in, it can become very difficult to call upon the strengths and coping skills most people usually have that help us manage the rough times. It is like the depression holds us hostage. Things that never used to bother us, bother us a lot. Little problems begin to be perceived as big problems. Big problems become huge monolithic monsters that seem unsolvable or impossible to find a means or the inner strength with which to cope. The depression robs us of the energy we need to find solutions or to find ways of coping. Depression turns pain into misery. Burdens we have always managed to bear, become unbearable.   Encounter enough pain and sadness over so many things, events, people and circumstances over which we have no control, and eventually any of us can become overwhelmed and experience a clinical depression. R

New at this, you have experiences so much grief already. And now, the actual and anticipated slow loss of your wife as the person you have known. Always difficult, but even more so if it has been that relationship that has been the rock that has sustained the two of you through the years of coping with your daughter's problems. I'm glad you are going to see a psychiatrist to explore the idea of an antidepressant medication. And I am glad to hear you are working with a therapist.


Just because some may find it helpful, the more common signs and symptoms of clinical depression in adults include several of the following signs and symptoms, most of which occur everyday, or nearly everyday for a period of two weeks or longer. If you experience 4 or more of them you may want to consider talking with someone for further evaluation, recommendations or treatment.

1. Changes in sleep patterns.

    a.   Insomnia, which might include difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep and trouble falling back to sleep when you awake in the middle of the night, very early morning awakening, or some combination of the three.

    b. Some people experience hypersomnia, and will sleep 10, 12 or 14 hours if they can.

2. Appetite changes that result in rapid significant weight loss or weight gain in a short amount of time. i.e. losing 10 lbs. or more in a two month period without trying to diet.

3. Depressed mood. May be sad. Or may be simply 'blah.' Feeling numb or bored.

4. Increased irritability. Loss of interest in activities that normally you find interesting. Not enjoying or finding pleasure in activities you normally enjoy.

5. Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness. Decreased sense of self-worth. Irrational or excessive guilt.

6. Increased tearfulness, or increase feeling of wanting to cry.

7. Decreased concentration.

8. Increased or excessive rumination or worry about the past, current problems, the future, perceived slights, etc.

9. Loss of energy. Fatique. Decreased motivation. Not attending to activities of daily living to the degree that you usually do. (housekeeping, paying bills, showering, attending to your appearance.) Atypical procrastination. Taking care of 'business', but really having to push yourself to do so more than is typical for you.

10. Passive or active suicidal or homicidal thoughts, plan or intent. (Please tell some one, be it a friend, loved one, or a professional if you are having these kinds of thoughts.)